Have you tried out Zapier? We use it for everything here at eChic

ZapierZapier is an automation tool that you can use to hook software together or automate tasks that you need to do frequently.

At eChic we use it for things like:

  • making sure that your incoming request for a change to your website gets into the correct code and review queue,
  • Posting videos to YouTube automatically Storing backups consistently
  • Forwarding invoices from a 2nd email address to make sure they don't get caught in your spam filter
  • Creating this blog post from my mobile phone without needing to log into Shopify.
  • And much, much more.

It means that rather than manually swapping from tool to tool and re-typing data, simply forwarding an email to a special email address or changing the status of a task in our job management tool generates an invoice, creates a task, adds a row to a google sheet, or sends an email asking to review a task.

Not only does Zapier make it easier to DO a task, it makes it easier to make sure a task is correctly and consistently by multiple people in a team.

You can sign up for a free trial account, and take a look at all the packages it works with.

I find triggering things through an email works well for me as it makes it easier to do things from a mobile phone when I'm not at my desk, but anything from a change in a spreadsheet to a new invoice in Xero can be a trigger.

Then take a look at what you can do with it, from creating blogs, sending emails and sending invoices to uploading files to dropbox or google docs. If you do it regularly, you can almost certainly automate it using Zapier.

Have a go and figure out how it can save you time - I'd love to hear what you use it for in your business.

Happy Selling!


Also in eChic Blog - building your business

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UPDATE: here is Cloudflare’s incident report:


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