These are some very quick videos we've prepared to help with common Shopify tasks. Some might be meant for older versions of Shopify, but they should still help you figure things out.
How do I process orders I've received in my Shopify store - by
How do I send my customer a tracking number and mark the order sent?
Removing a variant size
Adding a single size variant to a Shopify product
Shopify - setting product inventory policy to don't allow to buy when out of stock
How do I add a product to Shopify? Single Variant product, with Jewellery industry examples by
Adding OPTIONS (e.g. colour, size, type) to Shopify products then setting up those variants
Adding Shopify products with variants/options, with common errors demonstrated and explained
Easily copy photos and images from other websites for your Shopify products, collections, pages or blog posts.
How to update front page carousel / sliders via Theme Settings in Shopify
Using different Google web fonts in a Shopify theme
Shopify - How to duplicate themes and rename
Shopify: how to swap between different installed themes in Shopify. - how to add a new theme to your shopify site and how to duplicate or back up a Shopify theme
How to re-size an image in Photoshop (and upload as a Shopify Slider).
How to view theme pre-set options in Shopify
How to buy a Shopify theme without having to go through preview mode. kim @
How to add someone as a manager on your (business) facebook PAGE. by eChic
How to create a business facebook page
A facebook store to your facebook page
Creating a MailChimp autoresponder - sorry this is a bit rough.
How to create a mailing list in Mailchimp (next broadcast tells you how to integrate that with Shopify site)
Install Chimpified ap to automatically add email of users who allow marketing on checkout to your Mailchimp list
How to get the code you need from mailchimp and add a mailchimp newsletter sign up to your Shopify store