Catch the inappropriate Gift on Shark Tank

Great news from the Inappropriate Gift Co:

As part of our Inappropriate Family, we want you to be the first to hear that we have made it on to Shark Tank Australia!!
We are on Episode #1 next Tuesday 15th May at 8:30pm AEST on Channel TEN.
I would like to personally thank you for committing your money by buying a product and ensuring that our dream of being the home of inappropriate gifts has a chance of becoming a reality.

Be sure to watch and find out more about us and whether any of the sharks will take a bite!
It has been a hell of a journey over the last 2 years and if you made your purchase last year, the experience was completely different to how it is now.
Yes, we still make the odd fuck-up or delay due to miscommunications with the warehouse or our suppliers, but gone are the days where we were packaging each gift and hand writing the address details before taking to Auspost after school drop-off. In some cases my husband and I were delivering gifts to the door on our way to weekend sport (much to the embarrassment of our kids).
You can look forward to us bringing a lot more laughs through socials and inappropriate products to market and you'll be the first to hear about them as well as receive our monthly newsletter called "WTF?"
If you guys have any ideas for new products, we would really love to hear from you.
So we can keep you updated with the appropriate level of inappropriateness, please update your preferences on just how inappropriate you want to be here Manage Your Preferences 
Thanks again for all your support and please spread the inappropriateness by visiting and sharing our socials after watching Shark Tank.

P.S. Remember #Lifeisshort #Havefun
